Significant shareholdings and treasury shares
Renta Corporación shares are represented by book entries, whereby the Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación y Liquidación de Valores, S.A. (IBERCLEAR) and related organisations are responsible for accounting entry.
The Company is unable to keep a shareholder register as it only issues bearer shares. Therefore, it does not have accurate knowledge of the shareholder structure beyond the initial shareholding position when first listed, and subsequently through the X-25 file, which the Company can only request from IBERCLEAR for the purposes of holding a General Meeting of Shareholders.
Information available on the Spanish Securities and Investment Board (CNMV)* official website:
(*) Such registration complies with “Royal Decree 377/1991 of 15 March on Reporting Significant Holdings in Listed Companies and Acquisition of Treasury Shares”.