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    and investors

    Board committees

    Audit Committee

    This comitee is made up of the following directors:

    Mrs. Ainhoa Grandes Massa

    Position – President

    Nature of the position – Independent director

    Mr. Baldomero Falcones Jaquotot

    Position – Member

    Nature of the position – Dominical director

    Mr. Manel Valls Morató

    Position – Secretary

    Nature of the position – Independent director

    Appointments and Remuneration Committee

    This comitee is made up of the following directors:

    Mrs. Ainhoa Grandes Massa

    Position – President

    Nature of the position – Independent director

    Mrs. Cristina Orpinell Kristjansdottir

    Position – Member

    Nature of the position – Dominical director

    Mr. Manel Valls Morató

    Position – Secretary

    Nature of the position – Independent director