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    Cookies policy

    What are cookies?

    Cookies are small data files that are stored in the computer from the visited website and used to register certain browsing interactions in a website, and store data that may be updated and recovered. These files are stored in the user’s computer and contain anonymous data that does not damage the equipment. They are used to record a user’s preferences, such as the chosen language, login details and page customization.

    Cookies can also be used to register anonymous information relating to how a visitor uses a site. For example, the website used to access it, or if they visited the site via an advertising banner.

    How do we use different types of cookies?

    Based on their purpose:

    Technical cookies Technical cookies facilitate user browsing and the use of different options or services offered by the website, such as identifying the session, accessing restricted areas, and facilitating requests, purchases, filling out forms, registration, security and features including videos and social media.
    Customization cookies Customization cookies allow the user to access services depending on their preferences (language, browser, settings, etc.).
    Analytical cookies Analytical cookies are used to anonymously analyse the behavior of website users, and make it possible to assess a user’s activity and create browsing profiles in order the improve the websites.
    Advertising cookies Advertising cookies help manage the sections of the website used for advertising. These cookies can also apply to customized advertising, and therefore help manage the sections of the website used for advertising based on the user’s behavior and browsing habits (what their profile was formed from), and help customize the advertisements shown on the user’s browser or their other profiles and social media pages.

    Based on their timescale:

    Session cookies Session cookies last for the time that the user is browsing the website, and are deleted when the browser is closed.
    Persistent cookies These cookies remain stored in the user’s computer until they are manually deleted or the established duration of each cookie concludes.

    Based on their purpose:

    First-party cookies These are sent to the user’s device from a computer or domain managed by the website administrator and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
    Third-party cookies These are sent to the user’s device from a computer or domain not managed by the editor of the website, but by another entity that processes the data obtained using cookies.

    The below table outlines the classification and description of the cookies used on this website, so that you can identify them in your browser:

    Name Owner Data collected Purpose Duration
    cookielawinfo-checkbox-non-necessary First-party cookie Used to accept cookies. Necessary. 1 year.
    cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary First-party cookie Used to accept cookies. Necessary. 1 year.
    viewed_cookie_policy First-party cookie Used to display the acceptance of cookies. Necessary. 1 year.
    CookieLawInfoConsent First-party cookie Records the default button status of the corresponding category and the CCPA status. Necessary. 1 year.
    _ga First-party cookie Visitors’ sessions. Analytical. 2 years.
    _gid First-party cookie Visitors’ sessions. Analytical. 24 hours from the end of the last visit.
    _gat_gtag_UA_[ID] First-party cookie Visitors’ sessions. Analytical. 1 minute.
    _fbp First-party cookie Visitors’ sessions. Analytical. 3 months.
    DV, CONSENT, NID Third-party cookie Google/Google Maps services. Processes data relating to preferences, links, conversions and interactions with ads. Advertising. The duration depends of the type of cookie installed: From 10 minutes to 20 years.

    For further information:

    Google Cookies Policy
    UserMatchHistory Third-party cookie ( Synchronization of ID with LinkedIn ads. Advertising. 1 month.
    bcookie Third-party cookie ( Secure browsing cookie. Technical. 2 years.
    lidc Third-party cookie ( Used for routing. Technical. 1 day.
    lissc Third-party cookie ( Used for the LinkedIn social networking service to track the use of embedded services and for advertising purposes. Advertising. 1 year.
    lang Third-party cookie ( Records the user’s language preference in the terminal. Personalization At the end of the session

    RENTA CORPORACIÓN uses technical, customization, analytical, advertising, first-party and third-party cookies, which process connection and/or device data, as well as browsing habits for statistical and advertising purposes.

    As a result, when accessing our website, in accordance with Article 22 of the Law on Information Society Services we have requested your consent for their use.

    The provision of personal data through our portal, and the consent for the use of cookies requires a minimum age of 14 and agreement with our Privacy Policy.

    In any case, we inform you that you may activate or deactivate cookies using the instructions in your Internet browser:

    Chrome Settings / Show advanced options / Privacy / Content settings.
    Firefox Tools / Options / Privacy / History / Custom Settings.
    Internet Explorer Tools / Internet Options / Privacy / Settings.
    Opera Tools / Preferences / Edit preferences / Cookies.
    Safari Preferences / Security.
    Edge Settings / See advanced settings / Privacy and services / Cookies.