The contribution of Renta Corporación to the improvement and transformation of our cities goes through a key building rehabilitation process.
We are aware of the challenge this process represents to adapt buildings to the future needs of the new generations.
A creative, strategic and design challenge of great complexity, to which we have dedicated our efforts from the beginning of our activity. The passion and respect for the beauty and art of the buildings in our cities encourages us to pursue the objective of preserving and perfecting this architectural and urbanistic patch.
After several decades of work, we have forged solid foundations to preserve the beauty and art of our cities, as a tribute to everything they represent. As we quote in our book Las Ciudades Visibles, for Renta Corporation they represent “works of the human being in the search for civilization in its broadest sense, for open societies, coexistence, trade, culture, art, progress, well-being…”
By the rehabilitation of buildings, we managed to embellish cities by compromising and extolling those values that guide us as a society.
How do we carry out the process of building rehabilitation at Renta Corporación?
Preserve the memory of the cities and the soul of the buildings by transforming them into a modern, effective, and sustainable space at the beginning of a story whose protagonists are the people. And… how many generations can fill in a building?
Building rehabilitation is a key process for generating added value to the properties that have become obsolete and are not adapted to the current needs of the market.
There is currently a gap between supply and demand with a single solution: adapting or transforming assets. And this process is divided into several phases.
Firstly, to make an initial diagnosis of the real situation of the property, in which all its lacks are studied. With this prior diagnosis, we can design the whole project and budget in detail each item.
The next step is the processing of all previous administrative administrations. Permissions, urban management… and, with all the procedures approved, it is time to execute the work and sign the project at the end.
Some of our most ambitious projects
We work on building rehabilitation projects of all different poisons. Although all of them are special, some of them occupy a significant place in the memory of the Renta Corporación.
It’s because all the illusion and commitment the whole team makes that multiplies the value. Thanks to the search for perfection and excellence in each project we have built the legacy that represents us.
One of the most ambitious projects to date is what we did at Badajoz 112 Street in Barcelona.
We designed and built an office building in the city’s most technological and innovative district, signing a rent contract with a multinational company. We took care of the acquisition of a 541m2 solar building to build an office building of over 2,300m2 with extensive terraces and 541m2 underground garage.
Built in accordance with the highest standards of sustainability, it is one of the few buildings in the city that has Leed Gold certification.
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“The past is a lintel that speaks of cities born as human settlements. The present is a door to a new concept of city that invites to rethink business, creativity, or design to resume. The future is a window to survive where nature, security, connection, transparency, and service are some of the key elements for the new citizenship.”
Renta Corporación