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    June 15, 2006

    Renta Corporación approves a share buyback plan

    Renta Corporación approves a share buyback plan

    Barcelona, 15 June 2006.

    Renta Corporación has informed the Spanish Securities and Investments Board (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) of the Company Board’s decision to carry out a special plan to buy back Company shares in order to use them for the employee and executive incentive plan to be implemented in the near future, as announced in the Prospectus for the Company’s stock exchange listing. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the share buyback programme, Renta Corporación will be able to acquire, up to 31st December 2006, a maximum of 375,440 shares, representing 1.5% of the current share capital, at a maximum purchase price of €30 per share.

    María Cura / Violant Flores. Telf +34 93 217 22 17